Each EVO system has a unique Studio Network Solutions ID serial number, which is found on a sticker at the rear of the chassis.
There are some other ways the serial number may be retrieved, depending on version/configuration.
The SNS ID may already be included in the hostname or registration info, and/or displayed in ShareBrowser.
If the serial has been added to the hostname:
The EVO hostname is listed at the Connectivity page (v5, v6) or the Network page (v7).
The SNS serial would be 12345 in the following examples where the serial has been added to the hostname -
If the version 7 EVO has been registered, the SNS number should be displayed at the Support page > Push Diagnostics card:
If EVO has been registered as described above, the SNS serial should also be displayed when logging in to ShareBrowser:
The SNS serial should also be included in the printed EVO Quick Start Guide:
The Studio Network Solutions sticker is black and silver, generally found at the rear of the chassis near the PCI expansion slots, facing up (visible when looking down from above):
If none of the above options are available/convenient, gathering system logs from EVO's web interface is another good way to retrieve system-specific information.