When browsing a share using SMB, some folders or files may show with a different name than expected, instead appearing with a short alphanumeric string, typically with a tilde (~) in the title. An example file name may be something like ALDUVB~G
The cause for this is that this file was saved using AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) and the name includes a special character that is supported by AFP but prohibited by SMB.
We can manually toggle this expected behavior for SMB, but while it will then show the original file names, Windows machines will still not work with these files; NTFS (Windows file system) does not allow the following characters: / ? < > \ : * | " or any character you can type with the Option key.
Rather than disabling the name mangling, we'd recommend avoiding special characters when using AFP.
The generally accepted best practice for naming files/folders is to only use a-Z, A-Z, 0-9, dots, dashes, and underscores.
Note: Renaming files changes their path, so any applications expecting the original path will need those files to be re-linked.
Additionally, we do recommend choosing to allow only one of these two NAS protocols in cross-platform environments — Mac operating systems can use SMB as well as AFP, while Windows machines are only capable of using SMB.
AFP is deprecated as of OS X 10.9, so SMB is almost always the recommended protocol.