Generally speaking, EVO doesn't necessarily need to be rebooted with any particular frequency. The system is designed to remain "up" and online for very long durations. In fact, leaving it up and running is preferable to shutting it down very frequently. If your EVO is working normally but you prefer to routinely reboot your storage systems we recommend a reboot approximately every 12-24 weeks.
If trouble could be attributed to a shutdown frequency, such trouble is more likely to be a result of abnormally frequent (e.g. almost every day) or abnormally infrequent (e.g. year or more) rebooting or shutting down.
Proper Shutdown/Reboot
When you shutdown or reboot your EVO it is important that the process be done correctly. EVO should be shutdown from the System page in the web GUI, by an APC UPS, or by tapping the power button on the front panel. The disk lights inside EVO will begin to blink in a waterfall pattern (8 and 16 bay systems only) within a few seconds to indicate that the system is shutting down.
It is also possible to do a forced shutdown by pressing the front panel power button and holding it for several seconds, but this should only be done if absolutely necessary.