EVO OS Version 6.1 includes many new features and improvements to scalability, performance, setup, and reliability. Some of the most notable additions are summarized below.
Please contact us to determine if you are eligible for a free upgrade to this latest version of the EVO OS.
Before upgrading the OS version on your EVO, it is imperative that you review the user manual and plan for any changed functionality. A backup of all critical data must be completed and verified before beginning the update. You should also plan for a reboot, which will be required immediately after the upgrade process has finished.
In addition to these highlighted items, there are many other improvements and options, which are documented in the relevant sections of the EVO GUI's Help manual.
Hardware Compatibility
EVO systems are highly configurable, so these compatibility statements are guidelines for convenience. Please contact us so that we can determine your exact compatibility status and procedures.
- All EVO Prodigy units will support this version.
- EVO units running v.6.x support this version.
- EVO units early 2014 - early 2017 will support this version, though certain configurations or hardware may be ineligible or unsupported.
- EVO units running EVO OS v.4.x or earlier or shipped 2013 or earlier are not compatible with this release.
EVO OS v.6.1 Release Notes
New Features
- Support for new 16 bay hardware [EVO-2494]
- Support for new 8 bay hardware [EVO-2620]
- New architecture for SSD parity RAID, TRIM [EVO-1679]
- Support for 12Gb/s SAS architecture in certain EVO models [EVO-2561]
- Support 25GbE/40GbE/50GbE network interfaces [EVO-2672]
- USB 3.0 software support [EVO-2153]
- EVO can now host a DaVinci Resolve database [EVO-2899]
- NAS shares can now be renamed more easily [EVO-1769]
- A share can now be set to disallow file deletions [EVO-2972]
- Files can now be selectively purged from EVO's recycle bin [EVO-2368]
- Support optional NewTek NDI plug-in [EVO-2221]
- Added NAS drives throughput test in GUI [EVO-2297]
- Support 12Gb/s SAS expansion chassis [EVO-2562]
- Client authentication now required before enumerating SMB shares [EVO-2771]
- Updates to GUI style and improved standardization of elements [EVO-2764]
New Improvements
- Numerous improvements to EVO's server side indexer [EVO-2679]
- Recycle Bin now enabled by default for new shares [EVO-2751]
- NAS share now requires selecting SMB only, AFP only, or SMB+AFP [EVO-2488]
- SMB3 now the default SMB version [EVO-2498]
- All references to original ShareBrowser Web Client renamed to "EVO File Navigator" [EVO-2521]
- Allow UIDs below 5000 for external security models [EVO-2539]
- Pool Disk Table now sorted alphabetically, with a space between each [EVO-1389]
- Project Sharing NAS mode now allows Read Only per user [EVO-1886]
- Firewall and controls added to admin GUI [EVO-2136]
- System vitals (e.g. version, uptime, CPU, S/N) pushed occasionally to support team [EVO-2170]
- Several improvements to AFP performance and extended attributes handling [EVO-2206]
- LDAP groups can now be whitelisted [EVO-2405]
- Improved handling for FCPX libraries over SMB [EVO-2495]
- Backup must now be configured for ShareBrowser to dismiss warning message [EVO-2584]
- Corrected dialog displayed when disjoining Active Directory [EVO-2709]
- Active Directory handling improved for extremely large environments [EVO-2629]
- Improvements to the master reset procedure [EVO-2499]
- Improved project locking system's handling of many files at once [EVO-2245]
- Migration capability for upgrading existing AFP/SMB shares [EVO-2787]
- Improve indexer behavior when extended metadata harvesting "fails" on a file [EVO-2846]
- System now issues audible alert once it completes booting and login ready [EVO-2482]
- Increased active directory group name length limitation from 32 to 64 [EVO-2727]
- Spaces in AD/LDAP group names now supported [EVO-1839]
- Numerical AD user names now supported [EVO-2785]
- Updated EULA [EVO-2707]
Please visit the EVO Shared Storage System page for more information about EVO and ShareBrowser.