In ShareBrowser 6.1+ to prepare for and integrate with EVO OS v.7, the ShareBrowser API endpoints have been updated.
All of the following requests are compatible with ShareBrowser 6.1.5 on an EVO running 6.1.5. Users on EVO versions prior to version 7 should adjust all requests with the pre-v7 endpoint.
Before EVO OS v.7
EVO OS v.7+
Note on HTTPS:
If using HTTPS in EVO OS v.7, special handling will be needed to include the certs with your request.
Note: For ShareBrowser 6.0, see the original ShareBrowser API article here.
API Permissions
By default, the public API is read-only. To manipulate any database entry, read-write privileges must first be granted using the following requests. These requests use the ShareBrowser Admin credentials (default: administrator:adminpw111).
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address/sb-api/api/v1.0/preferencesservice/publicAPIMode
Disable the public API
This request sets the permissions to none, disabling the public API.
cURL Example:
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -X PUT -d 'none'
Set API to Read-Only
This request sets the permissions to Read-Only, the default permission scheme.
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -X PUT -d 'ro'
Set API to Read-Write
This is required to make any changes using the public API.
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -X PUT -d 'rw'
Create a Session
All API methods require a valid session. This method creates a session.
HTTP Request:
POST http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/auth/session
cURL Example:
#To Create a session, use the POST method and include the login credentials.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"q","password":"q"}' ""
#Make sure to replace with your EVO IP.
This request body is in JSON format.
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
Using a Session_ID
Every call to the API after the session is created expects a session cookie in the header. If there are no requests within an open session for 3 minutes, the session is closed.
cURL Example:
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700"
Delete a Session
When finished making calls to the ShareBrowser API, it's best to delete your session to do this use the DELETE method.
HTTP Request:
DELETE http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/auth/session
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a DELETE request.
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X DELETE ""
#Make sure to replace with your EVO IP and 1447413700 with your session_id.
GET Volume ID
Retrieves a Volume ID from ShareBrowser's database.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/volume/id?volume_uuid={volume_uuid}
cURL Example:
#Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the volume_uuid.
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "volume_id":2 } }
Query Parameters:
volume_uuid |
Can be found in the _ShareBrowserVolumeUID_ file on any NAS volume. |
Retrieves a File ID from ShareBrowser's database.
HTTP Request
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/id?volume_id={volume_id}&path={path}
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the volume_id and path. curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "file_id":23 } }
Query Parameters:
volume_id |
The volume_id returned from GET volume_id. |
path |
The path to the file from the root of the volume to the filename separated by slashes (%2F) |
GET Metadata for a file
Retrieves a file's metadata from ShareBrowser's database.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/metadata?file_id={file_id}
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the file_id. curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "tags":"a,b,c", "comment":"comment", "harvestedMetadata":{ } } }
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
GET a filepath by file_id
Retrieves a filepath for a file based on its ShareBrowser file_id.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/path
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and include the file_id in the URL. curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":"/folder/img.jpg" }
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from a previous request. |
Search Functions
Searches can be completed by filename, tag, comment, or custom metadata.
Search by filename, tag, and comment
Retrieves a list of files whose filenames, tags, or comments match a particular string.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/search?filename={filename}&tag={tag}&comment={comment}&pageno={pagenumber}&pagesize={pagesize}
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and include necessary data. curl -H "session_id: 1438904380" ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status": "success", "data": { "search_results": [ { "file_id": 1322, "file_path": "/plane.mp4", "volume_id": 13, "volume_name": "5151_qa", "volume_uuid": "32B4B8AA-D90D-4820-9E26-F608921EA3A1" } ], "total_count": 1 } }
Query Parameters:
filename |
The pattern to match in the filename. |
tag |
The tag to match. |
comment |
The comment string to match. |
pageno |
The requested page number of results based on pagesize. |
pagesize |
The requested page size for results. |
Search Custom Metadata
Get a list of files wherein the value contains a string for a specific custom metadata field (not tags/comments).
HTTP Request
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/search_custom_metadata?key={key}&value={value}&pageno={pagenumber}&pagesize={pagesize}
cURL Example
curl -H "session_id: 1438904380" ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status": "success", "data": { "search_results": [ { "file_id": 2538, "file_path": "/sdna/sdna-2/baking2.jpg", "volume_id": 1, "volume_name": "80_3_smb_qa" }, { "file_id": 3068, "file_path": "/th/519.txt", "volume_id": 1, "volume_name": "80_3_smb_qa" } ], "total_count": 2 } }
Query Parameters:
key |
The case-sensitive custom metadata field |
value |
The search string |
pageno |
The requested page number of results based on pagesize. |
pagesize |
The requested page size for results. |
Archive Requests
Archive requests are available as of ShareBrowser 6.0
Get Archive Status
Gets the archive status of a file.
HTTP Request
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/archived
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" GET ""
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
Change Archive Status
Sets the archive status of a file (true/false).
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/archived?value={true|false}
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X POST ""
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
Custom Metadata
Custom metadata requests are available as of ShareBrowser 6.0.
Get Custom Metadata
Get the value of Custom Metadata for a file.
HTTP Request
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/custom_metadata?field_name={field_name}
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET ""
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
field_name |
(Optional) The field name to query. |
Post Custom Metadata
Set the value of a specific Custom Metadata field to text.
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/custom_metadata?field_name={field_name}
cURL Example
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '"Spielberg"'
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
field_name |
The field name to post. |
Post a Custom List
Post a new field with the value of an option in a list.
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/custom_metadata?field_name={field_name}
cURL Example
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '["Spielberg"]'
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
field_name |
The field name to post. |
Post Tags
Post ShareBrowser Tags to a file.
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/tags
cURL Example
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '["newtag"]'
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
Post Comment
Post a ShareBrowser Comment to a file.
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/comment
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d 'This is a comment'
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
Custom Metadata Template
Manipulation of custom metadata template fields is possible as of ShareBrowser 6.0 and requires ShareBrowser Admin permissions.
Create Custom Text Field
Create a metadata field to hold text (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address/sb-api/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d '{"name":"fieldname", "type":"text"}'
Query Parameters:
name |
The name for the field. |
type |
The type of field text,list,protected, or invisible. |
Create Custom List Field
Create a metadata field to hold a value from a list (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address/sb-api/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d '{"name":"newfieldname", "type":"list", "options":["value1", "value2"], "multipleValues":true}'
Query Parameters:
name |
The name for the field. |
type |
The type of field text,list,protected, or invisible. |
options |
The options that may be selected from the list. |
multipleValues |
Allow multiple values to be selected(true,false). |
Create Invisible Text Field
Create an invisible field to hold a value that the user cannot see (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address/sb-api/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d '{"name":"newfieldname", "type":"invisible"}'
Query Parameters:
name |
The name for the field. |
type |
The type of field text,list,protected, or invisible. |
Create Protected Text Field
Create an protected field to hold a value that the user can see but not edit (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address/sb-api/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d '{"name":"newfieldname", "type":"protected"}'
Query Parameters:
name |
The name for the field. |
type |
The type of field text,list,protected, or invisible. |
Modify Custom List Field
Modify a custom list field (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address/sb-api/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field/{field_name}
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '{"type":"list", "options":["value1", "value2"], "multipleValues":true}'
Query Parameters:
field_name |
The name for the field. |
type |
The type of field text,list,protected, or invisible. |
options |
The options that may be selected from the list. |
multipleValues |
Allow multiple values to be selected(true,false). |
Delete Custom Metadata Field
Delete a custom field from the Custom Metadata Template (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
DELETE http://evo-address/sb-api/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field/{field_name}
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE ""
Query Parameters:
field_name |
The name for the field. |
Working with ShareBrowser Bins via the API is available in ShareBrowser 6.0.
GET Bins
Gets a list of public and private ShareBrowser Bins.
HTTP Request
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/bin
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET ""
Create a bin
Creates a public or private ShareBrowser Bin.
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/bin
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d '{"name":"new bin name", "isPrivate": false}'
Add Files to a Bin
Adds a list of file_ids to a specific bin.
HTTP Request
POST "http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/bin/{bin_id}/files"
cURL Example
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '[26, 3214]'
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
bin_id |
The bin_id returned from GET Bins. |
Update Bin
Change a bin name or its private status.
HTTP Request
POST "http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/bin/{bin_id}"
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '{"name":"new bin name", "isPrivate": false}'
bin_id |
The bin_id returned from GET Bins. |
List Bin Contents
Get a list of files within a bin.
HTTP Request
GET "http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/bin/{bin_id}/files"
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET ""
bin_id |
The bin_id returned from GET Bins. |
Remove Files from a Bin
Removes a list of file_ids from a specific bin.
HTTP Request
DELETE "http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/bin/{bin_id}/files"
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE "" -d '[97]'
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
bin_id |
The bin_id returned from GET Bins. |
Delete Bin
Removes a bin.
HTTP Request
DELETE "http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/bin/{bin_id}"
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE ""
bin_id |
The bin_id returned from GET Bins. |
Retrieves the location of a Proxy from ShareBrowser's database.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/preview/proxy_url?file_id={file_id}
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the volume_id and path. curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "video_proxy_url":"" } }
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
GET Thumbnail URL
Retrieves the location of a thumbnail from ShareBrowser's database.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address/sb-api/api/public/v1.0/preview/thumbnail_url?file_id={file_id}
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the volume_id and path. curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "thumbnail_url":"" } }
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
The ShareBrowser API uses the following error codes:
Error Code |
Description |
1 |
Internal Server Error |
3 |
Invalid or empty parameters |
108 |
Volume Not Found |
112 |
Invalid Username or Password |
118 |
Invalid Session ID |
121 |
Access Not Permitted |
131 |
File not found |
132 |
Thumbnail not found |
133 |
Proxy not found |
See also: Slingshot API