You've downloaded SANmp and tried it on several computers. You've discovered that it's working perfectly for you and now you're ready to "upgrade" your trial environment to non-trial mode, so what's next? Here's a step-by-step guide that describes the process to follow after you've tried SANmp, then purchased/received your license keys.
Transitioning SANmp from Trial Mode to fully licensed mode
Switching to non-trial mode takes just a few minutes (depending on how many workstations you have). This procedure will not require any software uninstallation/reinstallation, it is not destructive to data on the SAN and it will not require a reboot. To proceed with the transition you will need the set of SANmp Client and SANmp Admin+Client dongles (USB keys) you received after purchasing SANmp.
- Locate the one dongle marked "Admin+Client" and set it aside from the dongles marked "Client" only.
- Quit SANmp on all workstations.
- Insert one SANmp "Client" dongle into a USB port on each client's computer. (It is not necessary to insert a "Client" dongle into the administrator's computer.)
- Insert one SANmp "Admin+Client" dongle into a USB port on the administrator's computer.
- Launch SANmp Admin only on the administrator's computer.
- Choose to "Continue in Full or Trial mode (with HASP/USB key)" and click Continue.
- Login as the administrator.
- Upon logging in, SANmp Admin will instantly (and silently) switch your environment to Full mode. Verify that your environment is no longer in trial mode by selecting any SANmp volume from the Disk/Volume list and checking that "Trial: x / y Mounts Available" is not shown in Admin's status footer.
- You can now quit SANmp Admin.
Notes on the HASP/USB key
- You can now launch SANmp Client on the other computers and choose to use SANmp in Full mode.
- The dongle marked "Admin+Client" should be kept in a safe place. It is needed for transitioning from trial to full mode, but it is also used to restrict access to the SANmp Admin application. This dongle can also be used to launch the SANmp Client application.
- It is recommended that the SANmp dongle be inserted directly into a USB port on the computer; installing it into a USB hub can cause the dongle to be unreliable.
- You should never have more than one SANmp dongle inserted into any one computer.
Under Trial Mode, each SANmp volume can be mounted only a limited number of times. Use the above steps to upgrade the volumes to non-trial mode, which allows a SANmp volume to be mounted an unlimited number of times and deactivates other trial-based restrictions and notifications.
If you haven't yet tried SANmp SAN sharing software, but would like to download it and give it a whirl, visit our Try SANmp page to get started. Come back to this article when you're ready to upgrade to Full mode!