Please Note: This feature is deprecated as of ShareBrowser 5.0. ShareBrowser 5.0+ looks for EVO generated proxy files via HTTP that are linked by file ids rather than file paths. This yields better compatibility with the ShareBrowser Web App.
Starting with ShareBrowser Desktop and Server 4.1, it is now possible to view path based proxy video files when the share or volume containing the original file has gone offline. Path based proxies can be generated by EVO or any trusted third-party.
To enable this setting in ShareBrowser Client, navigate to the Preferences menu. In the ShareBrowser Preferences window find the option reading "Proxy video file storage path." Choose the share and folder hierarchy containing the proxy files.
When selecting a share for use, keep in mind that path based proxy support expects the proxy folder's hierarchy to mirror the original hires file paths. If the original video file is stored in /Volumes/VIDEO/ and /Volumes/Proxies/ is set as the storage path, ShareBrowser will expect the proxy file to be located in /Volumes/Proxies/Volumes/VIDEO/.
In addition, ShareBrowser expects all proxy files to have an extension of .mp4 and to be encoded in H.264 video.