Note: There is an updated version of this article for EVO v7 (ShareBrowser 6.1.5) systems available here: ShareBrowser API Documentation (6.1.5+)
API Permissions
By default, the public API is read-only as of ShareBrowser 6.0. To manipulate any database entry, read-write privileges must first be granted using the following requests. These requests use the ShareBrowser Admin credentials (default: administrator:adminpw111).
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address:8577/api/v1.0/preferencesservice/publicAPIMode
Disable the public API
This request sets the permissions to none, disabling the public API.
cURL Example:
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -X PUT -d 'none'
Set API to Read-Only
This request sets the permissions to Read-Only, the default permission scheme.
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -X PUT -d 'ro'
Set API to Read-Write
This is required to make any changes using the public API.
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -X PUT -d 'rw'
Create a Session
All API methods require a valid session. This method creates a session.
HTTP Request:
POST http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/auth/session
cURL Example:
#To Create a session, use the POST method and include the login credentials.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"q","password":"q"}' ""
#Make sure to replace with your EVO IP.
This request body is in JSON format.
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
Using a Session_ID
Every call to the API after the session is created expects a session cookie in the header. If there are no requests within an open session for 3 minutes, the session is closed.
cURL Example:
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700"
Delete a Session
When finished making calls to the ShareBrowser API, it's best to delete your session to do this use the DELETE method.
HTTP Request:
DELETE http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/auth/session
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a DELETE request.
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X DELETE ""
#Make sure to replace with your EVO IP and 1447413700 with your session_id.
GET Volume ID
Retrieves a Volume ID from ShareBrowser's database.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/volume/id?volume_uuid={volume_uuid}
cURL Example:
#Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the volume_uuid.
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "volume_id":2 } }
Query Parameters:
volume_uuid |
Can be found in the _ShareBrowserVolumeUID_ file on any NAS volume. |
Retrieves a File ID from ShareBrowser's database.
HTTP Request
GET http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/id?volume_id={volume_id}&path={path}
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the volume_id and path. curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "file_id":23 } }
Query Parameters:
volume_id |
The volume_id returned from GET volume_id. |
path |
The path to the file from the root of the volume to the filename separated by slashes (%2F) |
GET Metadata for a file
Retrieves a file's metadata from ShareBrowser's database.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/metadata?file_id={file_id}
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the file_id. curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "tags":"a,b,c", "comment":"comment", "harvestedMetadata":{ } } }
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
Search for a file by filename
Retrieves a list of files whose filenames match a particular string.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/search?filename={filename}
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the filename. curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "search_results":[ { "file_id":31, "file_path":"/b/folder/img.bmp", "volume_id":2, "volume_name":"unlocked", "volume_uuid":"09ABC165-86B1-46BB-A678-3E8A7D0882E4" }, { "file_id":28, "file_path":"/a/b/newimg.bmp", "volume_id":2, "volume_name":"unlocked", "volume_uuid":"09ABC165-86B1-46BB-A678-3E8A7D0882E4" }, { "file_id":26, "file_path":"/a/img.bmp", "volume_id":2, "volume_name":"unlocked", "volume_uuid":"09ABC165-86B1-46BB-A678-3E8A7D0882E4" } ] } }
Query Parameters:
filename |
The pattern to match in the filename. |
Archive Requests
Archive requests are available as of ShareBrowser 6.0
Get Archive Status
Gets the archive status of a file.
HTTP Request
GET http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/archived
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" GET ""
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
Change Archive Status
Sets the archive status of a file (true/false).
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/archived?value={true|false}&recursive={true|false}
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X POST ""
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
Custom Metadata
Custom metadata requests are available as of ShareBrowser 6.0.
Get Custom Metadata
Get the value of Custom Metadata for a file.
HTTP Request
GET http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/custom_metadata?field_name={field_name}
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET ""
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
field_name |
(Optional) The field name to query. |
Post Custom Metadata
Set the value of a specific Custom Metadata field to text.
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/custom_metadata?field_name={field_name}
cURL Example
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '"Spielberg"'
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
field_name |
The field name to post. |
Post a Custom List
Post a new field with the value of an option in a list.
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/custom_metadata?field_name={field_name}
cURL Example
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '["Spielberg"]'
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
field_name |
The field name to post. |
Post Tags
Post ShareBrowser Tags to a file.
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/tags
cURL Example
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '["newtag"]'
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
Post Comment
Post a ShareBrowser Comment to a file.
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/{file_id}/comment
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d 'This is a comment'
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
Search Custom Metadata
Get a list of files wherein the value contains a string for a specific custom metadata field (not tags/comments).
HTTP Request
GET http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/file/search_custom_metadata?key={key}&value={value}
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET ""
Query Parameters:
key |
The case-sensitive custom metadata field |
value |
The search string |
Custom Metadata Template
Manipulation of custom metadata template fields is possible as of ShareBrowser 6.0 and requires ShareBrowser Admin permissions.
Create Custom Text Field
Create a metadata field to hold text (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address:8577/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d '{"name":"fieldname", "type":"text"}'
Query Parameters:
name |
The name for the field. |
type |
The type of field text,list,protected, or invisible. |
Create Custom List Field
Create a metadata field to hold a value from a list (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address:8577/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d '{"name":"newfieldname", "type":"list", "options":["value1", "value2"], "multipleValues":true}'
Query Parameters:
name |
The name for the field. |
type |
The type of field text,list,protected, or invisible. |
options |
The options that may be selected from the list. |
multipleValues |
Allow multiple values to be selected(true,false). |
Create Invisible Text Field
Create an invisible field to hold a value that the user cannot see (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address:8577/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d '{"name":"newfieldname", "type":"invisible"}'
Query Parameters:
name |
The name for the field. |
type |
The type of field text,list,protected, or invisible. |
Create Protected Text Field
Create an protected field to hold a value that the user can see but not edit (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address:8577/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d '{"name":"newfieldname", "type":"protected"}'
Query Parameters:
name |
The name for the field. |
type |
The type of field text,list,protected, or invisible. |
Modify Custom List Field
Modify a custom list field (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
POST http://evo-address:8577/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field/{field_name}
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '{"type":"list", "options":["value1", "value2"], "multipleValues":true}'
Query Parameters:
field_name |
The name for the field. |
type |
The type of field text,list,protected, or invisible. |
options |
The options that may be selected from the list. |
multipleValues |
Allow multiple values to be selected(true,false). |
Delete Custom Metadata Field
Delete a custom field from the Custom Metadata Template (ShareBrowser 6.0). This requires ShareBrowser Admin Credentials.
HTTP Request
DELETE http://evo-address:8577/api/v1.0/customtemplate/field/{field_name}
cURL Example
curl -u 'administrator:adminpw111' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE ""
Query Parameters:
field_name |
The name for the field. |
Working with ShareBrowser Bins via the API is available in ShareBrowser 6.0.
GET Bins
Gets a list of public and private ShareBrowser Bins.
HTTP Request
GET http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/bin
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET ""
Create a bin
Creates a public or private ShareBrowser Bin.
HTTP Request
PUT http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/bin
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT "" -d '{"name":"new bin name", "isPrivate": false}'
Add Files to a Bin
Adds a list of file_ids to a specific bin.
HTTP Request
POST "http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/bin/{bin_id}/files"
cURL Example
curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '[26, 3214]'
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
bin_id |
The bin_id returned from GET Bins. |
Update Bin
Change a bin name or its private status.
HTTP Request
POST "http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/bin/{bin_id}"
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "" -d '{"name":"new bin name", "isPrivate": false}'
bin_id |
The bin_id returned from GET Bins. |
List Bin Contents
Get a list of files within a bin.
HTTP Request
GET "http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/bin/{bin_id}/files"
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET ""
bin_id |
The bin_id returned from GET Bins. |
Remove Files from a Bin
Removes a list of file_ids from a specific bin.
HTTP Request
DELETE "http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/bin/{bin_id}/files"
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE "" -d '[97]'
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
bin_id |
The bin_id returned from GET Bins. |
Delete Bin
Removes a bin.
HTTP Request
DELETE "http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/bin/{bin_id}"
cURL Example
curl --silent -H "session_id: 1447413700" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE ""
bin_id |
The bin_id returned from GET Bins. |
Retrieves the location of a Proxy from ShareBrowser's database.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/preview/proxy_url?file_id={file_id}
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the volume_id and path. curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "video_proxy_url":"" } }
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
GET Thumbnail URL
Retrieves the location of a thumbnail from ShareBrowser's database.
HTTP Request:
GET http://evo-address:8577/api/public/v1.0/preview/thumbnail_url?file_id={file_id}
cURL Example:
# Make sure to specify your session and send a GET request with the volume_id and path. curl -H "session_id: 1447413700" -X GET ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
{ "status":"success", "data":{ "thumbnail_url":"" } }
Query Parameters:
file_id |
The file_id returned from GET file_id. |
The ShareBrowser API uses the following error codes:
Error Code |
Description |
1 |
Internal Server Error |
3 |
Invalid or empty parameters |
108 |
Volume Not Found |
112 |
Invalid Username or Password |
118 |
Invalid Session ID |
121 |
Access Not Permitted |
131 |
File not found |
132 |
Thumbnail not found |
133 |
Proxy not found |
See also: Slingshot API